
Column object describing one or many columns.


"columns": [
        "pos": 2,
        "dataType": "number",
        "type": "data",
        "format": {
            "border": "medium",
	        "borderColor": {
                "rgb": [0,50,50]
        "case": {
            "if": {
                "value": { "lessThan": 0 }
            "then": {
                "formatRef": "Basic-red"
        "width": -1





name type description
pos integer Set the starting position of the column as integer. -1 for auto.

mininum: -1
default: -1
array In addition to the starting position also set the length. -1 for auto.

Array Items:
   integer - starting position
   integer - length

starting position:
mininum: -1
default: -1

mininum: -1
default: -1
dataType string Determine the type of data for the cells.

possible values: text, number, date, timestamp
type string If dataType is set, this says where the format is applied.

possible values: header, data, summary
format object Format Options to apply to a column.
formatRef string Reference to a named format. Format references are defined in Formats
case object Define a format or content that is inserted based on one condition.

Condition Object
array Define a format or content that is inserted based on multiple conditions.

Array Items [Condition Object]
width integer Set default Column Width for (all Sheets)
Auto adjust column width to the cells' content using -1 as value.

minimum: -1