Font options are part of Formats, but can also be set in a dedicated object for convenience reasons.
"cells": [{
"pos": [0,0,8],
"height": 70,
"value": "Headline - Arial, color: 'seagreen', 30pt, wraped",
"format": {
"fontRef": "Headline",
"alignV": 2,
"alignH": 1,
"wrap": true
"fonts": {
"Headline": {
"fontSize": 30,
"fontNmae": "Arial",
"bold": true,
"fontColor": {"name": "seagreen"}
You can set a font face by name, given that this font is installed and available from the operating system. Furthermore, you can set size and color, and the styles bold, italic and underline.
See the Font Reference for an example and syntax.